Mallory Rat
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Mallory Rat



Rat Paws This recipe is called Fruit scones in fancy shapes Rat Paws
It's a Cake or Bun
Making this is Easy
Read Mallory's Blog
You will need 25g raisins or sultanas
100g wholemeal flour
1/2 tsp margarine or butter
2 teaspoons caster sugar
150ml milk
What to do 1. Preheat an oven to Gas mark 8 or 230 C or 450 F.

2. Sieve the flour and the baking powder into a large mixing bowl.

3. Cut the margarine or butter into small chunks and rub into the flour with your fingers until the mixture looks like bread crumbs.

4. Add the sugar and raisins.

5. Make a shallow hole in the middle of the mixture and pour in the milk.

6. Using a knife or wooden spoon stir gently to form a soft dough. If the mix won't stick together you can add a little more milk, but add only a little at a time.

7. Sprinkle flour onto a board or marble slab, and rest the dough in the middle.

8. Using both hands, kneed the dough until it is smooth and free from lumps and dry bits.

9. Roll out with a rolling pin until the dough is a little bit more than 1cm thick.

10. Cut out the dough into shapes using cookie cutters, such as animals, Christmas trees etc.

11. Brush the tops and sides with the milk and bake for 10-15 minutes or until they are well risen and slightly brown.

12. Remove from the oven and allow them to cool on a wire rack before either eating them or storing them in a tin for eating later.
This is traditional food in Anywhere

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